VW Polo manuals

Volkswagen Polo Service & Repair Manual: Tire Wear

Mounting Damage
Bundle broken during tire inflation.     Modern radial car tires are mounted only on safety rims. These have a hu ...

Tire Service Life, Influences
The following factors influence the service life of a tire in varying degrees. Driving style: Speed ...

Other materials:

Overview of the driver side
Fig. 5 Overview of the driver side (left-hand drive vehicles) Fig. 6 Overview of the driver side (right-hand drive vehicles) Key for and : Vent   , Lever for: Main beam headlights Headlight flasher Turn signal Parking lig ...

This chapter contains information on the following subjects:  → Securing mounts, roof bars or load carrying system  → Loading the load carrier system The roof of the vehicle has been designed for optimum aerodynamic effect. Therefore, conventional mounts or other load carrier sy ...

Refrigerant Circuit, Flushing
  Note For vehicles in which no adapters fit on to the refrigerant pipes, for example, a blower pistol with rubber mouthpiece is to be used to blow through individual components. Special care must be taken not to damage the connections (crus ...

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