VW Polo manuals

Volkswagen Polo Owners Manual: Checklist


Incorrect use of the vehicle jack can cause the vehicle to slip off the jack, which can lead to severe injuries. Please note the following to help reduce the risk of injuries:


Ignoring any of the items on this important safety checklist can lead to accidents and severe injuries.
Lifting the vehicle with the jack
Fig. 168 Jacking points for the vehicle jack (mirrored on the right-hand side of the vehicle) Fig. 169 Vehicle jack at the rear left-hand side of the vehicle First read and observe the introdu ...

Changing a wheel
Fig. 170 Changing the wheel: removing the wheel bolts with the screwdriver handle First read and observe the introductory information and safety warnings Removing the wheel Read the checkli ...

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The following actions must always be carried out in the given order in preparation for changing the wheel : In the event of a flat tyre, park your vehicle on a firm and level surface at a safe distance from the flow of traffic. Apply the handbrake firmly Braking, stopping an ...

Fig. 17 Dimensions First read and observe the introductory information and safety warnings The data in the table apply to the most basic German model. The specified values can vary due to different tyre and wheel sizes, if additional equipment is fitted, for different model versions, for ret ...

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