VW Polo manuals

Volkswagen Polo Service & Repair Manual: Two-Part Fine Filling Paste, Flexible


Two-Part Fine Filling Paste, Flexible -LSP 787 100 A1-
Edition 07/2010
Product Description
The Two-Part Fine Filling Paste, Flexible -LSP 787 100 A1- is a two component filler paste with high filling characteristics.
The product does not collapse and has excellent adhesion on a multiple base surfaces.
This filling paste is used especially for plastics:
Other Application Areas:
For repair of plastic exterior body components where surface is damaged with material removed (scratches, holes, rips), without being broken through
For filling of KU-plastics, that were previously repaired with the Plastic Repair Set -D 007 700-.
For filling over a repair area to eliminate a mark
Application Instructions
Constant, fine, creamy consistency
High filling characteristics - no collapsing
Hardens quickly
Sands well
Good adhesion on metal and plastic
Base Surface
Suitable base surfaces:
Galvanized sheet steel
On all cleaned and sanded plastics in vehicle area
Fiberglass-reinforced plastics (UP-GF)
Well-sanded old paint or factory paint
Hardened two-part filler/two-part primers
Pre-treatment of base surfaces:
–  Remove any grease and sand the surface.
–  Bare metallic base surfaces are to be insulated with Two-Part Wash Primer -LHV 043 000 A2- and then filled with Two-Part HS Performance Filler. Sand the filler after drying.
–  With UP-GF underbodies, clean components of any residual agents and sand the surface.

Two-Part Fine Filling Paste, Flexible

–  Clean once more using the Silicone Remover, Long -LVM 020 100 A5- or Silicone Remover -LVM 020 000 A5- before reworking.

Two-Part Fine Filling Paste, Flexible

Recommended structure:
Fine filling paste by itself.
Rework fine filling paste with Two-Part Fine Filling Paste -LSP 784 002 A2- or with Two-Part Spray Filling Paste -ALN 788 007- (except on galvanized steel).
Prime bare spots and filled areas with Two-Part Wash Primer -LHV 043 000 A2- and then fill with Two-Part HS Performance Filler.
–  Then paint over with the top coat.
Before filling, dry-sand the entire surface with P280-400 sandpaper.
Application Table

Two-Part Fine Filling Paste, Flexible

Mixing ratio 2 to 3 % by weight
Add hardener Two-Part Hardener -LVM 018 00 A1-
Pot life 2 to 4 minutes at +20 °C (68 °F)
Drying time (air drying at +20 °C (68 °F) room temperature) 20 to 30 minutes
Infrared drying:  
  short-wave approximately three minutes (at 50 % output)
  middle-wave approximately five minutes
Sanding compatibility Preliminary sanding Final sanding
  Wet as fine filling paste P180 grit as fine filling paste P320-P360 grit
  Dry as filling paste P80 grit, as filling paste P120 grit as filling paste P120-P240 grit, as fine filling paste P280 grit
This filling paste may not be applied to PVB (acid-hardening) adhesive primers or one-part primers (for example, synthetic resin).
Application on thermoplastic or elastic coatings is also not possible. In these cases, only apply filler paste to bare steel.
Before filling, dry-sand the entire surface with P280-320 sandpaper.
Avoid using excessive hardener paste, to prevent it from bleeding through, especially on daylight colors and light metallic colors.
Reaction temperature at least +5 °C (41 °F).
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