VW Polo manuals

Volkswagen Polo Owners Manual: Indicator lamp for the tyre monitoring system

Volkswagen Polo Owners Manual / Driver assist systems / Tyre monitoring system / Indicator lamp for the tyre monitoring system

First read and observe the introductory information and safety warnings

Lit up Possible cause   Solution
The tyre pressure of one tyre or several tyres has decreased considerably in comparison to the tyre pressure set by the driver, or the structure of the tyre is damaged. An acoustic warning is also given. Do not drive on! Reduce speed immediately. Stop the vehicle as soon as possible and when safe to do so. Do not undertake any extreme steering or braking manoeuvres! Check all wheels and the tyre pressures. The damaged tyre should be replaced.
System faulty. The indicator lamp lights up permanently. No warning signal is given.
If the tyre pressure is correct but the indicator lamp fails to go out after the ignition is switched off and back on again, and if it is not possible to synchronise the tyre monitoring system, please go to a qualified workshop. The system must be checked.

Several warning and indicator lamps will light up briefly as a functional check when the ignition is switched on. They will switch off after a few seconds.


Differing tyre pressures or tyre pressures that are too low can cause tyre failure, the loss of vehicle control, accidents, serious injury and death.


Failure to observe illuminated warning lamps and text messages can lead to your vehicle breaking down in traffic, and can cause accident and serious injury.


Failure to observe illuminated indicator lamps and text messages can lead to your vehicle being damaged.

If the tyre pressure is too low and this is detected when the ignition is switched on, an acoustic warning is emitted. If a system fault is detected, no signal tone is given.

Driving on unpaved roads for long periods, or a sporty driving style, can temporarily deactivate the Tyre Pressure Loss Indicator. The indicator lamp shows the functional fault, but disappears if the road conditions or driving style change.
This chapter contains information on the following subjects: → Indicator lamp for the tyre monitoring system    → Tyre Pressure Loss Indicator Additional information and warnings ...

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